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10 expert recommended body brushing techniques to use to get glowing skin even if you have dry skin

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Body brushing is a technique that involves using a brush with firm bristles to gently exfoliate the skin. It is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to improve the health and appearance of the skin.

Body brushing is particularly beneficial for those with dry skin, as it helps to remove dead skin cells.

Not only that, it stimulates the production of natural oils, resulting in smoother and more hydrated skin.

By incorporating body brushing into your skincare routine, you can achieve healthier and more radiant skin.

In short, body brushing is more like an ancient exfoliating practice when there were no exfoliators.

But in this modern age where there are so many different types of exfoliators and sometime, it can be hard to know how to use each, but I show you how to do it in this post.

Youll be shocked to find out that youve been using some of the different types of exfoliators the wrong way.

For instance, Im shocked that there are some exfoliators that shouldn’t be left on your face for more than 15 – 20 mins if you want them to effectively exfoliate your skin.

If that sounds interesting, check it out here

But there are some instances when you should not use body brushing, and here they are:

If You Have Any Of This, Body Brushing is Not For You

Like I said before, body brushing is an ancient practice. And that’s why exfoliators came into the market because there are certain times when body brushing is not ideal for your skin. And those instances are:

When you have body acne.

This is because the bristles on the body brush are quite firm and sometimes, do pop the pimples on your body.

And that quickly leads to having dark spots because of the acne scars left behind after popping the pimples.

So if you want to avoid getting or get rid of dark spots on your body, dont use body brushes.

When you have eczema

And I mean all types of eczema.

When youhave eczema,body brushing will be painful because the rough patches of skin from the eczema get scrubbed out of your skin instead of being softened.

Products like shower gels specifically made for eczema- prone skin or lotions & ointments for eczema soften the rough patches making it easier for you to use a wet cloth to just wash them out.

But if you use body scrubbing when you have eczema, it will be super painful in those affected areas.

Thats why you really need to avoid body brushing if you have any kind of eczema.

Now lets get to the benefis of body brushing on dry skin.

Benefits of body brushing for dry skin

1. Exfoliation

One of the main benefits of body brushing is its ability to exfoliate the skin. The firm bristles of the brush help to remove dead skin cells, revealing smoother and softer skin underneath.

This not only improves the texture of the skin but also allows moisturizers, lotions that give your dry skin intense moisture and other skincare products to penetrate and protect your skin more effectively.

2. Improved circulation

Body brushing stimulates blood circulation, which brings oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells.

This increased blood flow helps to nourish the skin and promote cell regeneration, resulting in a healthier complexion.

Improved circulation also helps to reduce inflammation and redness, making it beneficial for those with dry and sensitive skin.

3. Lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in removing toxins and waste from the body.

Body brushing helps to stimulate lymphatic drainage, which aids in the detoxification process.

By promoting lymph flow, body brushing can help reduce puffiness and swelling – the one that happens when you wake up. Thus, it gives your skin a more toned appearance.

4. Reduced appearance of cellulite

Body brushing is often touted as a natural remedy for reducing the appearance of cellulite. While it may not completely eliminate cellulite, regular body brushing can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, making cellulite less noticeable.

The massaging action of body brushing helps to break up fatty deposits and stimulate collagen production, resulting in smoother and firmer skin.

And when you get firmer skin, then you automatically begin to look younger than your actual age.

5. Improved skin texture and tone

By exfoliating the skin and promoting blood circulation, body brushing can help to improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

It can help to reduce roughness, dry patches, and help even out an uneven skin tone, leaving you with a smoother and more even complexion.

Regular body brushing can also help to prevent ingrown hairs and promote a healthy glow.

Choosing the right brush for dry skin

When it comes to choosing a brush for body brushing, there are a few factors to consider:

1. Types of brushes

There are various types of brushes available for body brushing, including natural bristle brushes, synthetic bristle brushes, and loofahs.

Natural bristle brushes are often recommended for dry skin, as they are gentle yet effective at exfoliating the skin.

Synthetic bristle brushes can also be used, but they may not provide the same level of exfoliation.

Loofahs are another option, but they tend to be less effective at removing dead skin cells.

2. Bristle firmness

The firmness of the bristles is another important factor to consider.

For dry skin, it is best to choose a brush with medium to firm bristles like this one. These bristles will provide enough exfoliation without being too harsh on the skin.

Avoid brushes with soft bristles, as they may not effectively remove dead skin cells.

3. Material of the brush

The material of the brush handle is also worth considering.

Look for a brush with a handle that is comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver. Some brushes come with long handles like this one, which can be useful for reaching the back and other hard-to-reach areas.

Preparing your skin for body brushing

Before you start body brushing, it is important to prepare your skin properly:

1. Showering or bathing beforehand

It is best to body brush on clean, dry skin. Take a shower or bath before body brushing to remove any dirt, oil, or sweat from the skin.

This will ensure that the brush can effectively exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells.

2. Avoiding sensitive areas

When body brushing, it is important to avoid sensitive areas such as the face, genitals, and any areas with broken or irritated skin.

These areas are more prone to irritation and may not benefit from body brushing. Focus on areas such as the legs, arms, back, and stomach.

3. Using gentle pressure

When body brushing, it is important to use gentle pressure to avoid irritating the skin.

Start with light strokes and gradually increase the pressure as your skin becomes accustomed to the brushing motion.

If you experience any discomfort or irritation, reduce the pressure or stop brushing altogether.

Brushing techniques for the legs and feet

When body brushing the legs and feet, follow these techniques:

1. Long strokes from ankle to thigh

Start at the ankle and brush upwards towards the thigh using long, sweeping strokes. Repeat this motion several times on each leg, focusing on areas that are prone to dryness or roughness.

2. Circular motions on feet and ankles

For the feet and ankles, use circular motions with the brush to exfoliate and stimulate blood circulation. Pay extra attention to the heels and soles of the feet, as these areas tend to be drier and rougher.

Brushing techniques for the arms and hands

When body brushing the arms and hands, follow these techniques:

1. Long strokes from wrist to shoulder

Start at the wrist and brush upwards towards the shoulder using long, sweeping strokes. Repeat this motion several times on each arm, focusing on areas that are prone to dryness or roughness.

2. Circular motions on hands and wrists

For the hands and wrists, use circular motions with the brush to exfoliate and stimulate blood circulation. Pay extra attention to the knuckles and cuticles, as these areas tend to be drier and rougher.

Brushing techniques for the back and shoulders

When body brushing the back and shoulders, it can be helpful to use a long-handled brush or ask for assistance:

1. Using a long-handled brush

If you have difficulty reaching your back, consider using a brush with a long handle. This will allow you to easily reach all areas of your back and shoulders.

I specifically like this long handled brush because the handle is not so big. I have rather small hands (feminine hands) and the big handles make my hand cramp when I have to brush my back. Meaning I have to hold the brush in that position for a long time to brush my entire back.

2. Long strokes from lower back to shoulders

Start at the lower back and brush upwards towards the shoulders using long, sweeping strokes. Repeat this motion several times, focusing on areas that are prone to dryness or roughness.

Brushing techniques for the stomach and chest

When body brushing the stomach and chest, follow these techniques:

1. Circular motions on stomach

Use circular motions with the brush to exfoliate and stimulate blood circulation on the stomach area. Start at the belly button and work your way outwards in a clockwise direction.

2. Long strokes from chest to shoulders

Start at the chest and brush upwards towards the shoulders using long, sweeping strokes. Repeat this motion several times, focusing on areas that are prone to dryness or roughness.

Brushing techniques for the neck and face

When body brushing the neck and face, it is important to use a softer brush or a facial brush:

1. Using a softer brush or a facial brush

The skin on the neck and face is more delicate than the rest of the body, so it is important to use a softer brush or a brush specifically designed for the face like the . These brushes have softer bristles that are gentle on the skin.

2. Gentle circular motions on neck and face

Use gentle circular motions with the brush to exfoliate and stimulate blood circulation on the neck and face. Avoid applying too much pressure or brushing too vigorously, as this can irritate the skin.

How often to body brush for dry skin

The frequency of body brushing for dry skin can vary depending on individual preferences and skin sensitivity:

Frequency recommendations

It is generally recommended to body brush 2-3 times a week for dry skin. This allows enough time for the skin to recover between sessions and prevents over-exfoliation.

2. Adjusting based on skin sensitivity

If you have sensitive skin, you may need to reduce the frequency of body brushing or use a softer brush. Pay attention to how your skin reacts to body brushing and adjust accordingly.

Conclusion and final tips for achieving glowing skin with body brushing

In conclusion, body brushing is a beneficial practice for those with dry skin. It helps to exfoliate the skin, improve circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and improve skin texture and tone. When choosing a brush, opt for one with medium to firm bristles and a comfortable handle. Prepare your skin by showering or bathing beforehand and avoid sensitive areas. Use gentle pressure and follow specific techniques for each body part. Body brush 2-3 times a week, adjusting based on your skin’s sensitivity.

In addition to body brushing, there are other tips you can follow to maintain healthy and glowing skin:

1. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from within.

2. Moisturize regularly: After body brushing, apply a moisturizer or body oil to lock in moisture and keep your skin soft and supple.

3. Eat a balanced diet: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats in your diet to nourish your skin from the inside out.

4. Protect your skin from the sun: Wear sunscreen daily and limit your exposure to the sun to prevent premature aging and damage to the skin.

5. Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to allow your skin to repair and regenerate.

By incorporating these tips into your skincare routine, along with regular body brushing, you can achieve healthier, smoother, and more radiant skin. Give body brushing a try and experience the benefits for yourself.